How do I find my size?

Find your size

Find your size ☽

Ring Sizing

It is best to have your ring size measured professionally, either by Aileach Moon or by popping into your local jeweller. If this is not possible there are a few ways to try this at home. 

At home you can use a piece of non-stretchy paper, a pen and a ruler.

  1. Wrap the piece of paper around the base of your finger.

  2. Mark the point where the ends meet with a pen. You are measuring the circumference of the ring.

  3. Measure the string or piece of paper with a ruler. (mm)

  4. Choose the closest measurment on the ring size chart below to find your ring size.

Please bear the following in mind when choosing a size.

If a ring band is quite wide or broad, rings tends to fit more snugly. There is more metal in contact with the skin and so more friction. Generally speaking the wider the band the tighter the fit so you may need to go up a size.

Be aware of the temperature of your hands when measuring because when your hands are warm they can swell slightly. We recommend you measure your hands when they are both warm and cold to find the perfect size. Otherwise your ring may feel too loose when your hands are cold or too tight when warm.

If your knuckle is a lot larger than the base of your finger measure around your knuckle too and choose a size between these two measurements.

An alternative way to measure your ring size is to print off the image below following the instructions. Place an existing ring over the circles to find the best fit.

Bracelets and Necklaces or Neck Collars

You'll need a thin strip of non-stretchy string or paper or a soft seamstress' measuring tape and a marker to mark where the ends meet. Wrap the tape around your neck or wrist. Make sure it is comfortable and consider the design of the piece for example neck collars are designed to fit more rigidly around the neck. Mark where the paper or tape meets and then measure with a ruler. If you're still unsure I will be happy to help. Contact here.